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Horse takes off to get infront of other horses

20 17:22:19

My Girlfiend and I have been riding together for 9 years. Our horses are Half brother and sister. mIne is a
the gelding. They are borded and pastured together. He is the lfa male. He likes to be in front but can be happy behind.  He is 19 yrs old.  2 times lately when behind as we started to trot he has taken off with me to pass his sister in a full gallop. How do I stop this behavior? It is such an out of control feeling. Usually he is so calm. Unless other horses are Present. then he is very alpha male acting.

Hi Susan,
One sentence comes to mind to break this habit.
Horses are lazy by nature. They will take the easy, lazy way every time if given the choice. So....give the horse the choice. But the wrong choice will mean way too much work for him. If when riding with your friend, the horse wants to go out in front....let him. That's his choice. BUT once there, make him work so hard he will wish he was back where he was. When I say work him, I mean make him TROT in tight circles. A LOT of tight circles. Make him do alot of serpentine at a trot. I mean work his tail off. He should be hot, sweaty and dog tired when you get through. It will take quite a few of these exercises to get it through his head but he will eventually learn that being out front isn't fun at all. He has to realize that you are the leader and his brain should be on you and not on getting out in front of the other horse. So "MAKE THE WORNG THING HARD" much work out front, and "THE RIGHT THING EASY" pressure and nice walk behind or beside.
I hope I have helped you with your question. If you have more problems or questions feel free to email me:
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Good luck and please stay safe.