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breaking my 2yr mustang filly

20 17:46:14

Hello I am going to begin breaking my two year old mustang filly next month and have a few questions. I have been with this horse since the day she was born. Her ground manners are perfect and she lounges off of voice commands so I am very confident that she is ready to be started. My one problem is that I am not sure if I should start her in a regular snaffle bit which she is already used to and takes easily or If I should use a Bosal. I have heard many people say start in a bosal and go to a bit later. I am not very accustomed to bosal's and was wondering if you could tell me anything about them. I know that they involve allot of pressure points and that you must be very careful with them. I have broke several horses before and fixed many problem horses but this is my youngest one so far. any suggestions would be great. thank you

I have started horses under saddle in bridles, halters, bosal's and with nothing on their head at all. I would use whatever it is you plan on using on a regular basis, if you've worked with the snaffle I would stick to that.
Enjoy your mustang!
Caitlin Day Huntress