Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > blind panic

blind panic

20 17:19:49

My question regards how to deal with a horse who runs through fences (crashing and somersaulting) when she perceives something as dangerous. Four years ago I sold my 4 month old filly (together with her Mom) when I moved cross country. Lady is now 4 years old; I reacquired her seven months ago as she was basically just being a "paddock ornament" at her new home. I've been starting her 'from scratch'...doing groundwork (online and liberty) and some things are brilliant. She leads softly like a dream on loose rein,  is now great with foot handling, is ok with the 22 foot line on her back (and leads from behind), yields hindquarters and forequarters softly. BUT When she perceives something dangerous (which can be as simple as a 12 foot line attached to her that is trailing on the ground, OR placing a pad on her back or yesterday . . . when grazing at liberty in a forest got a long piece of vegetation trapped in her mane she just BOLTS and crashes anything in her path, somersaults, breaks fences. Yesterday after her panic at liberty she arrived home with bloody nose having crashed the forestry gate and run a mile to "safety".  The reacts happen SUDDENLY (as happily grazing, snagged in the branch, and BOLT IN PANIC). It's not something you 'see coming.' It seems that if something appears in her 'field of  vision'  in a certain way that it triggers panic so I've been doing lots of work from both sides with her and playing with stuff around her head.  If she's online and goes to panic I've averted some if I' managed to hang on and get her stopped and then busy doing things.  Can a horse with panic response like this be overcome? I'm not a spring chicken and really want to be safe.

If you want safe play checkers. Horses are large, 1200 pound flight animals and easy to get hurt, especially if you don't know what you are doing.

I cover sacking out and helping a horse learn about fear in my videos and on my site. Read it and stop looking for short cuts or quick answers.  

Here is a hint, If you you are working on this and it is not getting better, then what you are doing is not working.  You are looking for ways to fix the horse, if you knew a horse was a reflection of it owner, then you would know that the horse is being a horse and is responding to things human have taught it, so it needs to be untaught.

I always wonder when people ask these questions what answer do they expect? Did you really think I, or anyone else, could really give you an answer over an email to fix a horse?

You have not read my site, you did not read my profile and you emailed me to help keep you safe?

Read my site, watch my videos and then respond to this if you really want this fixed.