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Yearling Colt Training

20 17:44:49


I Bought Dallas when he was 6 months old he will be 1 year this month. I have spent alot of time with this horse and he is very tame.Dont get me wronge he has tested me many times but when he does something I dont like I put a stop to it right away. Like raring up, running at me when I am walking, jumping the fence to get to me when I leave the pasture, leaning on me, laying down on the ground when I have him on the lead rope, ect. He will tie up real well that was never an issue. he will let me rub a plastic sack all over him. My question to you is what do I need to do next to get him to be a great horse in the long run ? and my next question is: Do horses get jealous of people. Dallas seems to be very jealous of other people being around me other animals too! I am not sure how to stop this action. And when I try to leave the pasture he gets in between me and the gate and I have to lead him away and get out. I mean this horse really seems to love me Bunches!! I can be up to the house on the back porch and if he hears me talking he starts making all kinds of sounds. It's Crazy!! But I do love him I just need to know what"s next?I don't want to cheat him out of being the best he can Be!! In his training I am kinda At a stand still.
Thank You in advance for any and all help.


Hi Misty, if this horse is by himself, he does miss you and feels insecure.  A horse needs a pasture buddy to feel safe and secure.  A lone horse is very insecure and can not relax or feel safe when alone.  This horse does not want you to leave because he needs your extra set of eyes to keep an eye out for predators.  When a horse is alone he can not sleep, relax or feel safe, not a good life.

If he is not alone he still seemed to have bonded with you and sees you as his herd and feels like he needs to protect you, be with you and stay with you to feel safe and to keep you safe.

A pasture buddy should fix most of this, on my web site I discuss a lone horse, it is under my bad horsemanship page.  :(

You are doing good things, lots of handling is always good.  the more you can expose him to the better.  Yes horses get jealous of people, they see other people as other herd members so they get protective and want to push other herd members away so they do not hurt you or move into the herd.

Read my horsemanship page for some good info on how horses think and how they relate to a herd.
