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horse behavior problems

20 17:45:36

I just puchased an 8 yr. old geulding named streak.   The previous owner had used him for team roping but also trail ridding which was what I was looking for at first he did very well.   There was issues with the bit he would't take a shank bit at all so I asked what the previous owner had used which was a chain bit and i started using that he took it att first now he is fighting me with that and also hard to catch at times.  Also this horse had never bucked or reared untin a friend of mine who is no stranger to difficult horses got on him and he did both plus took him through the woods and knocked him off.   He has never done this with me YET, but he has acted up.  On part of the trail he is fine perfect until we come to a wide open field and he starts slinging his head spinning and jumping around acting like he wants to bolt.  I don't know if this has anything to do with his past of team roping or if he is barn sour.  I relly love this horse and I don't want to have to get rid of him because of this.  could you please tell me what i'm doing wrong and what I should do

Hi Chasity!

It seems tome that you have definitely lost control of this horse and my advice would be to stop trail riding him immediately (for everyone's safety!) and concentrate on developing a communication line between the two of you.

Before I recommend anything else I'd like to ask a few questions.  What is the breed?  I am guessing QH.  Exactly how long have you owned him and what preparations did you do with him to make him ready to trail ride?  Or did you just buy him one day and trail ride him the next?  What is all the tack you ride him in?  Did you ask your friend to ride your horse because he was acting up and you felt your friend could fix it for you?  Or did he just ride him for no real reason and the horse was just bad?  Did your friend attempt to take control of him or did he not even have a chance before getting dumped?

Lastly, do you longe him?  Is kept with other horses?  What is your skill level and what are your goals with him?
