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Problem When Asking For More Speed

20 17:29:25

Hi Jennifer, Thanks in advance for your time. I have an 4 yr old Appaloosa mare who, as of recently, when loping a circle will kick up her rear and squeal. I will ask for more speed by squeezing with my legs and she might ignore me so I pop here with a rein on the outside hind. Thats when she reacts this way. But I don't allow her to continue at the same speed. I ignore her little fit and stay on her until I notice a change. The next time I ask she will usually respond correctly but this prolly happens once a day. I feel like I should reprimand her but not sure how?


My first suggestion is to have a vet check her for any physical issues, to include teeth and back and also rule out any ill fitting tack. After that, I would suggest, making the right thing easy and the wrong reaction hard. So if you are trotting her and ask her to lope and she refuses, I'd circle her head around, make her move her feet, even two track or sidepass her. Then ask her again, if she goes into it nicely, stop her after a few strides and reward her by letting her stand. She will soon realize, if she accepts your cue, she can move forward nicely and quietly and if she reists, she must work harder. Be sure that when she does resist and you make her move her feet, you do it with authority, don't let her just walk around in a cirlce or sidepass slowly, make her do it with some speed, so it's work.
