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Help me get my boy to relax.

20 17:45:04

Hi Rick,
I'm 30 years old I have been riding roughly 20 years just pleasure riding. I am self taught. I recently got a beautiful ex race horse. He has a great nature. He is great in the paddock but out on a trail ride with other horses he just wants to race and won't relax. I have just been taking him slow and talking to him lots and only going on beginner rides so there aren't any gallops. The people around me are telling me to smack him are speak harshly to him to let him know who is boss. I would rather not do that if there is an alternative. He is in pasture with other horse. This is only recent. Before I got him he was in a large paddock by himself.

Hi Angela, don't smack your horse.  That does not show a horse you are boss, it shows him you are mean and don't understand him.

You show a horse you are boss by moving his feet and body.  Have you ever seen a horse just walk up to a horse and kick him.... NO, they don't do that.

This horse has not foundation work, does not like people since they have just ran the crap out of him, fed him hot food (alfalfa) and neglected him.

It will take time, so accept small steps.  Read my site about sacking out, if you read the first 10 pages of my site you will get some good knowledge on how to work with this guy.  After you read the site, if you are still unsure what to do, write me back.

enjoy the site,
