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how to train my horse to lope

20 17:39:09

I am 64 years old and have ridden all my life. My problem is I am not a trainer and have always ridden trained horses.  But I got this quarterhorse that is five and a lovely mare but I dont know how to train her to lope.  I tried running her into it and she kicked up her heels but didnt do what I call a buck so I pulled her up.  I detest running horses into a lope.  But I dont know how to convey or get them to lope any other way. She is five and has had thirty days riding two years ago.  I ride trail so I guess the lope isnt necessary but I would like to learn her to do it. She is in a paddock by herself and has some pasture but I keep her by herself. Thanks for any help or advice you can give me.

Well I would not want to train a five year old at your age.  Hell, I don' like when my four year old bucks at my age.  This horse is young, not a lot of riding experience and has not been trained or ridden much in the past two years.  I would say you have about 85% chance that this horse is going to buck at a canter,  run or lope, until it does it enough to feel comfortable and it is not new or odd.  If you have riding all your life, you should have a good enough seat to ride a few crow hops, but this can be done on the ground a lot before under saddle.

My web site on my horseman tips page, I discuss a night latch, this will help ride out a few hops from a young horse.  This horse does not have any pasture buddies to get out and play with so it will always have too  much energy when you ride and will soon resent you for only coming out to see it once and a while.  I would really suggest you get her a buddy so she can socialize and get rid of excess energy so you will have a better chance to ride her out of this young and inexperienced behavior.
