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a Gelding And My Calf.

20 17:20:23

I recently just got a calf, but in the pasture that i have to take my calf into to walk her, there are horses. There is a Gelding and a Mare. The gelding, named Blade, is dominant over the mare, Shian. Blade keeps trying to assert his dominance over my calf, named Scarlett. If I am standing inbetwixt the horses and my calf they don't do anything. But if they go further into the pasture i can't always stay there since Scarlett is only a yearling. Blade chases Scarlett and tries to knock her over and nip at her, but he knows that i am dominant over all of them. But when Scarlett is in her pen he doesn't mess with her at all. I'm really not sure what to do and I'm worried that Scarlett is going to get hurt if i leave her in the pasture all day when I'm not there. I would appreciate any kind of answer you could give me.
Thank you,

Is there a place that Scarlett can stay for a week next to where horses are?  That would give horses a chance to meet her.  And at a yearling, she should weigh 500-600 lbs?  

Let me do some digging, and talk to the trainers I work for, as they have cows, and may have some ideas on this also.  Also showed cattle, so very familiar with cows/horses combined.

I would think the calf would be okay, but much of course, depends on how big pasture is, meaning is it big enough to get some space in between horses and calf, and how determined Blade is to assert himself.

I have to go pick up shavings tomorrow, so will come back tomorrow night with some answers about this for you.