Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > my horse and a fence

my horse and a fence

21 8:54:42

How can i stop my horse from running through a fence... we are to close to a highway for him to run through it... he is 8 years old and this is the frist time we have ever had this problem

Hi Aerial!

You did not say if he has already broken through the fenceline or if it was the gate he busted through.

You also did not say if he was alone, if he lived there 24/7 or if he busted through in a state of panic or just did it for fun.  How long has he lived in that pasture?
Is there any grass?  How big is it?

The more you tell me, the better I can answer the question.
I could do a best guess but, would prefer to have all the details.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
