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training a green mustang

20 17:46:32

Hi Lisa,

I purchased a lovely 6 yo mustang/qh cross a few months ago. All the training she had had was natural horsemanship, she has a fantastic temperment and is generally a fast learner.  However, she is very lazy. She has excelled at the walk trot, but I cannot seem to get her to canter, not even 1 step. I have carried a crop and I even purchased a set of eggbutt spurs, but all she does is either buck, or kick out with her hind-quarters.. I even tried lunging her and she gives me more of a workout, than I am her..Any suggestions? Thanks

Rick Gore:  Mustangs are the best horses around.  Mainly because they have had little or no exposure to humans.

Hi Andrea, not sure if you meant to send this or to Lisa, but I got it from question pool.  First I would get rid of spurs.  No horse trained properly needs spurs and those that use them show a lack of horsemanship skills.  Learn to communicate with the horse without fear or pain.  Spurs do one thing - hurt the horse and cause fear and pain.  When I see someone wearing spurs, I know they either can't ride very well or they are some macho want to be cowboy.  

I have a web site with some good sites about Mustangs. The site has all kind of info about the horse.  The key to working with horses is to understand them and to think like them.  If you can't get a horse to canter on the ground you don't want him to canter in the saddle or he will get scared and run off in a panic, buck, or flip over if you pull on him when he gets scared and runs off.

You said your horse is lazy.  Horse are prey animals and conserve their energy for speed to flee predators. They are relaxed and majestic animals that respond to their environment.  If this horse needs to run, I assure it, it will run fast and strong.  

If your horse is giving you more of a workout than they are getting, you are being trained by the horse.  Horses are professional people trainers.  You need to work on yourself in order to make your horse better.  Especially with a Mustang.  You said she was trained naturally, but then you said you had a crop and spurs, that is not natural horsemanship.   A horse is a reflection of it's rider or handler.  If you look in the eye of your horse, you will see a reflection of yourself.  Most horse problems are people problems.

Try and work on your body language and communication with your horse so she will understand what you want.  Your horse is not lazy she is not getting clear communication.  

I have a section on herd behavior on my web site.  If you read this it will help you think like a horse and will help you help your horse.

Hope this helps,
