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Bad stall manners

21 8:55:02

About 6 months ago a nicer stall was available at my barn. I moved my horse to the new stall.  The horse next to him would rear up and bite at my horse.  My horse started rearing up in his stall and biting back.  I moved my horse back to his original stall, but he is still rearing and biting over the wall.  His front legs sometimes get stuck on the walls, which are about 8 feet high.  He is limping frequently from this.  I do not know what to do.

That's a tricky situation. If he reliable rears in the stall you could go into the stall next door with a stick with a plastic bag on the end and shake it when he rears, this would teach him that rearing = pressure and hopefully it could fix the situation, however since he is in the habit and you do not want your great horse to go lame- I would offer to pay for extra boards at the top of the stall to keep him from being able to reach the other horse or hurt himself.
Your barn should work with you on this one.
Best Wishes