Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > J.P. my Shetland Pony

J.P. my Shetland Pony

20 17:42:09

I have a 5 year old shetland pony,that was giving to me. She has only been halter broke. I have some experience around horses. This is the first time I have came across this problem. My problem is that I can't keep J.P. off of me she keeps trying to run me over. Please let me know what steps I can take to correct this.

Hi Penny,

Congrats on your new pony. You might want to enlist the help of a trainer with your pony, or atleast to get you started. But here are some exercises for you to start with.

Start off in a safe round pen and begin by getting her moving off your body language. She needs to respect your space more and the first step to doing that is getting her feet moving and brain engaged. Work her both ways at all gaits, if possible, getting her to reverse and listen to your body language. When on the lead line, as soon as she invades your space, make her back up or move her feet (yield her haunches, etc.). It will take some time, but gradually she'll start showing you the respect you deserve.
