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what age should foal be weaned,lunged

21 8:56:10

What is the best age to wean a foal? Also should a three month old tenn. walker be lunged(walk,trot,canter)?

Hello, and thanks for the question.

First off, I do not know the "best" time to wean a foal, but we wean ours at approximately 6 months of age.

Secondly, a three month foal should never be lunged. In fact, many people refuse to lunge a horse until it is old enough to be ridden. This is for the simple fact that the horses knees have not fully developed and the combination of moving in a small circle and being made to go at paces that it may not want to, puts great stress on the knee joint and can hurt the horse seriously. You should wait until he is ready to be ridden before lunging is started.

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions.
