Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > rude


21 8:55:32


Followup To

Question -
my horse is an apploosa he is very rude to anybody who walks in front of him. he will try to knock you over and will pen his ears at you. how do i fix this?.......i am currently riding him he does take the bit pretty well he is a gelding he hasnt done this to horses yet he doesnt do it to me a lot bacause he loves me but almost every body else.yes when people wak in fron of him or beside him.

Answer -
Hi Maura!

I really need more information to answer this question properly.

Do you mean when people walk in front of him?  Anytime, anywhere for any reason?  Or do you mean he does this to oher horses?

Is he a stallion or a gelding?  Are you currently riding him?  If so, does he take a bit well?

The more information you give me the better I can answer!

Thank you,


Hi Maura!

It sounds like he is just not a friendly, "people" horse... coupled with an "I'm in charge" attitude.

A sharp elbow probably will not fix this and only make him worse.

Grab a few helpers and a box of sugar cubes or another treat he likes.  Put him in an area where this behavior happens the most....his stall, the cross-ties...wherever.

Before you approach him first, call to him so he acknowledges you coming towards him and then walk right up to him and give him a treat and alot of affection.

Have the 2nd person do the same his name and when he moves his ears and eyes to them, have them shake the treat box or bag and walk up to him asking him sweetly if he wants a treat.

As the 2nd person is approaching and he misbehaves, they just walk by ignoring him, no treat!

Then it's your turn again.  Then the next person.  This is a big game until almost anyone can announce their approach to him and he allows it and he gets a treat.  It won't take more than a few days I bet!

Then, you just call and walk up to him but, he only gets a treat every other time.  Then, a treat only a few times a week.  Soon, you will need no treats....just announce yourself and he will "allow" to be approached.

This is probably just who he is and you will not change him...just modify his tolerance level of others in his space.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
