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adopting a 5 year old blm mustang.

20 17:56:59

we are adopting a gelding a stout halter broke model. he actually a adopted me we were looking at a 2 year old mare and her colt . when this wonderful horse came to me and he said take me home. I feel a connection .is it hard to gentle break a 5 year old from Wyoming. strange he made it to Arizona why I don't know but. hey I love him anyway. carries his head low is that a plus.

John -
There are two ways to answer your question:

First, training a Mustang tends to be a little different than training most other breeds.  They require strong leaders.  Not mean people - just strong leaders to guide them.  So if this is the first Mustang you are training, it will be different than other horses and a hard job regardless of age.

Second, if you are going to take on the job of training a Mustang, you'll typically have an easier time with younger ones.  The older the horse is, the more they will be set in their ways.  I prefer the Mustangs that are around 3, but 5 is totally doable.  The fact that he is gelded will make a significant difference as well.

In short, any Mustang can be hard to break, but a 5 year old gelding should be a little more on the easy side.  If this is the first Mustang you have worked with, talk to your regional BLM office to find out where there are decent trainers near you.  You can probably train the horse yourself, but it is always nice to know who is nearby in case you run into trouble.

Best of luck with your new horse!
Michael Hockemeyer
Kicking Bear Mustangs

p.s. - almost forgot, carring the head low can mean he is more laid back, but it can also mean nothing at all - so I wouldn't read too much into that.