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20 17:22:07

sir, why do riders make kissing sounds while riding a horse, what does the horse understand from a kissing sound made by the rider?

Hello Caine,

There are four natural aids that trainers/riders use with their horses-seat, legs, hands, and the voice. I often divide it still further into seat and weight. I believe there is a difference,at least in semantics,for the different ways in which to use the seat and weight.

The voice can definitely be used, NOT AS A SUBSTITUTE for the use of the other aids, but as an addition. I often use my voice to sooth horses. They are very sensitive creatures, with excellent hearing. I will also use a "cluck" if the horse needs  slightly greater impulsion.
But it should never be "overused"-the horse can get desensitized to the voice as to any other aid.

In teaching from the ground I may use it as a signal to my student that she needs to ask for a a bit more impulsion (controlled energy) from her horse. As a judge, if I can hear the rider using a voice aid, unless it is briefly used to sooth a horse that is afraid of something, it usually results in my detracting  a bit in my opinion of their placing.

I was teaching at a clinic in a western stable  once when I asked the participants what aids they used to jog and lope. They had been taught to cluck for the jog and kiss for the lope. This is incorrect. It just gives the horse limited information. The rider has to develop the skill to use their legs and seat. It also may influence the other horses in the ring. This shows a lack of education on the part of the riders and their instructor.

If a rider wants to substitute a "kiss" as an occasional additional aid to encourage the horse for a bit more impulsion it is all right. But it should never be over used or used as a substitute for the use of the natural aids.