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Mini donkeys and a mare

21 8:54:18

I am about to add to my household a mini donkey mom and her 3week old baby (Jennet).   The plan was to include them in a pasture and barn with a 4 yr old mare..  Should i have any problems or will i be ok.  The momma donkey is very quiet and very social with other animals.  I am not sure about the mare.  She is very quiet when being groomed and in cross ties and show no evidence of being aggressive.   Any suggestions on bringing them together and keeping them happy and in a great social environment would be great

Hi Dwayne,
            You are going to want to keep the donkey and her baby separated from your mare for about 2 weeks to make sure that the donkey is not carrying anything. After that I would introduce them from opposite sides of the fence for a week or so more, so that they can get to know each other. While both animals may not be aggressive normally, a mom with a new baby tends to be a bit more as she is protecting her foal. Enjoy your new donkeys.
