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Training and Trust issues

21 8:55:43

Hello, I have recently bought three 12 month old half brumbies (two fillies on colt). They have only had human contact in the last 4 weeks and that was only a tiny bit of contact. They dont trust people and I was wondering the best way to get them to trust me and to train them Thankyou Veronica

Wow, what a big question! For the first step could be (assuming they have been haltered) to teach them that when you put on pressure of any kind the answer is to focus on you, not run from or into the pressure. The game of advance and retreat is the one you need to be playing. This can be done with any kind of pressure; your hand, a rope, a flag. Start with your hand, with rhythm start to stroke the air as you walk closer and closer to the horse- when you can see that they are getting nervous take one step back. Stay back for a while still stroking the air and begin to play with their comfort level. Getting closer, finally getting a pet and backing off. If the horse gives you their full attention, both eyes both ears, I like to take several steps back. You are teaching them that you dont want to do things to them, you want to do things with them. It always makes me laugh when a horse learns that if they give me their full attention I will run backwards a few steps- they love to feel like they have some control, they now know how to turn me off! Then I take my time advancing up to them for some heart felt petting. As Brian Newbert said about petting "first they tolerate it, then they get to like it, then they start to crave it."
Best Wishes