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Pony behaviour

21 8:54:22

Hi, we have recently bought 2 ponies from the local riding school for our two daughters and to keep my dutch warmblood company.  Things are working out well but one of the ponies shows some puzzling behaviour.  He is a 15 year old haflinger gelding who was born at the riding school, surrounded by other ponies.  The thing is, he doesnt seem to know quite how to behave with the other horses.  Our big warmblood is the boss and she will often wander over to him for a groomning session.  It starts off ok for a minute but then he starts to bite her neck and legs quite hard, causing her to squeel at him.  She tries for a little longer but he carries on in this manner so eventually she walks away.  He is the lowest ranking of the three and the other pony quite often kicks him and squeels at him a lot.  I would assume that maybe he hadnt learnt well about how to behave from his mother but I know he has come from a place where there are over 100 horses.  Any ideas?

Hi Jodie,
          Is this the only behavior problem that you have with him? Does he only act like this around your mare?  It could just be that he is getting used to the new pecking order. He could have medical issues or have been proud cut. I am sorry but without more information I could not give you advice.
