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horse kicking me - regretting

20 17:20:01

hello ma'am, lets suppose i have a horse who likes me a lot. whenever i approach him, he nickers at me. one fine day, it kicked accidentally injuring me nastily. will the horse regret for doing like that? what kind of animals are horses? are they faithful? can we rely on them?

You have to remember that horses are always animals( as we are) and are subject sometimes to behaviors which are sudden and cannot always be explained.

I am a certified CHA Certified Horsemanship Association Clinician, which means that we stress safety all the time when around horses and when riding.

I do not know the circumstances when you were kicked...if the horse was frightened or afraid.
I do not know where you were standing, and how you were kicked. I was once badly kicked and ended up in hospital. I broke a safety rule. I could say it was the horse's fault but horses WILL be horses.

If you came up on the horse suddenly and startled him, the kick would be a reflex. If he was annoyed and kicked at you, that behavior is not to be tolerated, but it would at least explain the accident. I was kicked when a horse kicked and another horse and I was in the way!

Analyse the accident. Determine if you could have prevented it. Fully understand as much as possible what may have precipitated it so you learn from it. There are many safety rules that may help you prevent this again.

You are welcome to write to me more details about this incident.

Mitzi Summers