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Hore Behavior Issue

21 8:54:27

Dear Lisa Kalp,

I just bought my horse about a year ago, and everything has been going great except for the fact that he has become very attached to his two pasture mates. There is only him and the other two at the barn and where he lives is there is a large stall that opens into a paddock area, like an in and out, so he can see them at all times. But the problem happens when I go to put him in that stall by himself and he can't see them, he starts to pace, whinny, sweat, and even gets so nervous he has diarrhea. So I was wondering how I could stop this because the behavior is coming to the point where I can't take him anywhere by himself unless the other two are there to tag along.

Thanks so much for your help!

Hi Sarah,
          Your horse is herd bound as I am sure you know.Your horse is insecure which is why he is displaying these behaviors. When you go out to ride him instead of starting the ride at home trailer him to the place you are riding at. This way he does not see his friends. Since he is in a place that is not familiar to him he will then have to rely more on you. If he becomes agitated during the ride then dismount and walk him a bit and when he quiets down get back on him. While he is calm give him a snack so that he associates being with you without his friends as a good thing. On the way home walk him. Go past your driveway several times. When you get home spend time with him. Brush him off, give him a treat, put him in his stall for 5 minutes and then let him out with his friends. If his behaviors do not improve you may have to look at sending him to a professional trainer though.
