Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > tongue problem

tongue problem

20 17:44:46

QUESTION: 6 yr. thoro.mare.short race career.currently retraining as an event horse.during much of her flat work, she hangs her tongue out of the left side of her mouth.jumping,she keeps it in.i work her in the ring,x-country,and trails.same result.i have had several students ride her with same results. i would be greatful for any help . thank you

ANSWER: Hi Dawn!

I'd like to ask a few questions before recommending anything.

Describe all the tack she is currently in.  How long has she been in this tack?  Is she going well in her current bit, stopping and turning well in both directions?  Has she done this since Day One you've had her or did it just start?  Any recent mouth issues/injuries and finally, when was the last time she was seen by the vet/dentist?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: she has been in the same tack.she has been showing her tongue for over a year. i have chznged the bit and had same results. teeth done twice a year.had other vets look at her . saddle has been fitted twice.

Hi Dawn!

It sounds like this is more of an annoyance than a real training issue.  Often, horses do this to evade the bit.  But, you did not say she was not going well and that when you changed the bit, the tongue stayed out.

I feel there are far worse vices for a mount to exhibit and that if she is listening to her bit, just ignore the tongue hanging out.

You know, Michael Jordan was famous for hanging out his tongue as he went to the hoop.  Maybe she does not even realize she's doing it, Jordan said he never knew it  :-)

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
