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my riding experience on a kathiawari horse

20 17:21:44

correct way of holding reins
correct way of holding
hello ma'am. today i had been to hyderabad horse riding school. i mounted on a kathiawari 4 year old filly. instructor nicely guided my how to hold the reins i mean like this in the photo with hands close and raised a bit high from withers, not to put weight on my hands, put weight on the toes, heels should be down, sit straight in the saddle near the pommel, how to post. i told him to leave the horse. i myself made the horse walk in both short and long circle even though it was not a smooth circle. i was very happy ma'am. my mount was very quite, responsive to my leg cues. i even stretched the horse legs after tightening up the saddle girth. after dismounting, i gave a pat to the horse on the neck. i started using voice commands like whoa, easy, clicking sounds. i really enjoyed it. i need your blessings. i will be joining the club on july 10th since my exams will be starting in a week. take care ma'am. hope you are not troubled by my doubts. i get many doubts, when i ask the professionals, they get fed up with my doubts and ignore me. it hurts a lot!!

I am happy that you had a good time. It sounds positive.
Try putting a slight bend in the first knuckle of your thumb when you hold the reins.
It takes away a bit of strain you otherwise feel in your wrist.(Have your thumbnail pointing straight or a little down and not up).

Hold the reins as if you are holding baby birds in your do not release them, but you do not squash them either.

Your weight should feel as if it comes from your seat , and then flows through your body and just rests in your feet. Heels can be just slightly down unless you are jumping (further down). You should not push down on your feet.

Hands want to have a straight line from the horse's mouth, through the reins to your hand, and then to your elbow.

Good luck!