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bitting rig

20 17:18:53

hello. may i know how come a bitting rig strengthen the horse back?

I've never heard of that for this purpose.

In what I've done, or seen done with them, it was for getting horse to learn to carry it's head and tuck at the poll.

Flexing of neck and shoulders.

For back I would do carrot stretches, which aids softness too.

Use a carrot or treat, and let horse see you have it, as you lower hand to ground in front of horse, while you are standing at side.  Get horse to lower it's head to the carrot.

Then, standing at side, get horse to reach around to each side to reach the carrot.

Lunging also helps, if you keep horse moving nicely, using hind legs well, not just strung out and loose.

When horse is turned, try to get horse to turn away from you, which will bring hinds up under and horse will drive from them.

Also, if you can, go for trail rides as that helps the horse too.

Make sure your saddle is fitting correctly, as a saddle that doesn't fit will be fighting you the whole time.