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kicking in trailer

20 17:36:47

I bought a nine year old mare.She loads very well, but so soon she is in the trailer she kicks out with her right hindleg, even before the ramp is up.Tried different trailer but no difference.As she kicks only with the same leg I put a boot{as for mare with stallion used}on her.It helps a little bit, at least she doesn't get hurt but my trailer gets in bad condion.She doesn't kick as much on the way back from the venue.Perhaps tired?Also the owner before had this problem, but said it was only before you set off with the trailer..

Hi Jill!

Unfortunately, kicking in a trailer is a vice that is almost impossible to break.  It always happens when a human is not present and cannot get to the horse in time to correct it in the right amount of, it is just best to do what you can to make sure she is calm before entering the trailer and to keep her occupied whilst in the trailer.

The one thing that is for sure is NEVER NEVER NEVER tie anything to her legs to punish her in an attempt to keep her from kicking.  Many people have the stupid and dangerous idea that kickchains or ropes will stop this vice. Obviously, that is very unsafe.  I know you did not mention it but, someone else may suggest it in the future and I want you to be prepared to say "No".

Be consistent in how you load her.  Always give yourself enough time so you are never pushing her along and making you both nervous.  Always have plenty of hay and grain or treats to distract her once inside and always take off the minute she is safely loaded so she is not in the trailer waiting and thinking about kicking.  Also consider screwing a small piece of stall mat into the trailer wall where she kicks to help dull the concussion.

If she is safe to ride and a mount who performs her duties well, forgive her this one transgression, keep the boot on her and hope she gets tired of it.

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
