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K K snaffle

20 17:22:02


K K snaffle
hello, what are K K snaffles? is it a company or a type of snaffle with broad mouthpiece? why K K snaffles are designed with broad mouthpiece and tell me its uses? do K K snaffles pinch the corners of the horse lips due to its broad mouthpiece? please answer this in detail. i would like to start a horse with K K snaffle, would you suggest me?

I have had good luck with KK snaffles.

It is a company, but I think they are well made.
There are rubber rings called Bit Guards that go over the end of the bit to protect the corners of the horse's mouth from being pinched.

You have to consider the width of the mouth and if the mouth is small (low palate) or large to figure the size of the bit.

You have to think about the circumference as well as the width.

Have a good day!