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Zig zag riding

20 17:20:04

I bought an 11 year old mare and she is a zig zagger when riding. I know it is because she was taught to do this but how can i reteach her to ride straight? I sit straight and balanced looking straight ahead and keep my reins lose forward and balanced and she still zig zags to point where it is unenjoyable to ride her. What do i do to teach her how to ride straight? She has been taught some bad habits and rode by horrible riders obviously.

If being rode by horrible riders made her bad then if you are a good rider who is riding her she should be good?

Read my web site and watch my videos..

lots more going here than past riders or what you see as bad habits.  Habits can be changed by doing good things and creating new good habits? Why is this not the case?

Many people are quick to blame past owners, past trainers or past experiences for a horse's behavior. But they never want to look at what they are doing or how they are continuing the problems.

A horse is a mirror of the person riding them, if you do good the horse will do good - if you do bad the horse will do bad.