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calming down my horse

21 8:54:42

well in the stable she is very calm the thing is that she is very energetic and get a bit nervis the few minutes when starts riding her after she is ok but after a good run. i think she thinks she is going to race but when riding with other horses she is very good. when riding her in the school she is ok and can go right or left no problem. the only help i need is to find a way to calm her down. she doesint do anything bad at all aprt from pulling cause she wants to trot fast. i made her a martingale and have more control of her. can you suggest anything else. sorry to keep on asking you but on email cannot explain in detail what is your phone number please?????????  

Hi John!

OK.  Your main goal is to make her go slower.  As I said in my previous e-mails, 1.) A good diet that will not give her too much excess energy.  2.) Plenty of turn-out.  3.)  Longe her before each and every ride to take the edge off of her.  And lastly, have a professional trainer take a look at her and see where the gaps in her education are.  If she has no vocabulary, how can you talk to her and tell her what you want?

These things will get you started on the right road.  The trainer or another knowledgeable person who looks at her and rides her can give you a more detailed plan that suits her and your needs.
