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adult arabian mare

21 8:54:22

I have an arabian that is about 9 years old she was free to wonder in a field for about five years She is very timid and has just let me near her . I brush her every day and feed her pick up her legs and put a halter on and off of her. I bring her into a fence in 12x12 space to feed. I have walked her and would love to break her to ride do you feel one can train a horse of this age? She seams to be willing yet I do not want to take on something that is out of my reach ?  

Hi Sophie!

No, your mare is not too old to break to saddle.  In fact, her past will probably work for you instead of against you.  I always prefer to break an "untouched" horse than one who has had several negative experiences with humans.

As far as you taking on something out of your reach...well, you did not say what your experience level was in dealing with horses.  If you have never broken a horse before, I advise you have a professional spend at least 3 months on her, starting at the beginning and not rushing her.  Lots of longeing exercises and I like to always long-line a horse before I get on them.

As for you, if you are not a proficient rider, take lessons on a solid lesson horse and get yourself ready to help your mare through her adjustment period to becoming a human's riding partner.

If you listen carefully to your mare, she will tell you everything you need to know.  She will say "You are going too fast and I feel unsafe and unsure" or "I do not believe you and you have to make me respect you"  and so on.

It sounds like you have given her a solid start in ground work and she is accepting it all and telling you she is comfortable and ready to move on.  Well Done!

Take your time, get help and you will have a wonderful riding partner for the next 20 years!  Arabs last forever
and if cared for properly can ride into their late 20's ~ trust me, I have had several riding at almost 30 yrs. of age!!  LOL!

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
