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horse bit

21 8:55:11

I just got a new 12 year old horse. The first day i had her i took her out moved some steers and she took the bit easy, then the next morning i went to ride her and she would not take the bit, she started bucking and i never did get it in. So what can i do to get her to take it and feel comfortable?  Would the bit of hurt her so now she's scared of it or what?

Hi Jeff!

I am really going to need more information to correctly answer this.

But, from just what you told me....the only real thing you have going against you is that she does not know you and is trying to see where you are in her "herd"  Where is the power and just who is in charge?

This is probably what she is thinking and acting out about.

Also, are you riding her in the same bit she has always gone in?  If you did change it, do you know why you did?
Or did you just use what you had in the barn, an all too common practice.

You did not say if she is doing the job she already knows or if that was the first time she ever saw cattle...

All these things could be factors and I would have to have more pertinent information to say.

Good Luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
