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Getting Old Pony Into Shape

20 17:18:59


Hi, at the barn where I ride there is a 30 year old pony named Queenie. She has little work, she does a short pony ride at a walk about once every other week, sometimes she goes longer periods of time in between rides. She hasn't been exercised at all though since october because pony rides are closed in the winter. However, she will be starting pony rides soon. I am 13 years old and am an aspiring horse trainer. The owner of the farms says I can get a paying job there despite my age if I can prove able. Therefore I have the task of turning Queenie into the best pony I can, and this includes getting her fit. Here is what Queenie must be like:
- able to trot and canter for short periods of time on the lunge and jump 1 foot
- be bombproof, trustworthy (she should be able to be loose and not run away)
- look nice and be healthy

So I did a few short test type things.. I had her on the lunge and she did some short trots but was stiff. It will take a bit to get her fit. Though she is quite trustworthy already, I had her loose in the barn and she just sniffed around, and didn't try to run off when I went to put her back in her stall. I'm going to give her a bath soon, she is very scruffy-looking and dirty.

So I guess I'm looking for tips on getting her looking good, and some excersises to get her fit again. Thanks.

Well I think 30 is too old to be jumping and running or even trotting, she is old and not being used regularly is even worse, an old horse does not heal or grow muscle as quick so she cannot put on muscle and get in shape so to speak.

The more time the horse spends out in pasture moving and walking the better, the more she moves slowly without a rider and more pressure on her joints, legs and hooves, the better she will be.

I would  not recommend working her like a young horse and trying to get her in shape, that will only cause more pain and pressure on her already old joints.

Not my horse and sounds like it is not yours, so that is my take on it. Obviously the people that own her will not agree since they are telling you to do otherwise.
