Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > Bucking


20 17:22:25

I just got a teenage Thoroughbred that I was told that was broke to ride but everytime I go to dismount he will start to buck. He is fine when I mount and will go but dismounting is the problem. How or what can I do to stop this, to work with him to correct this problem.

This is one of those issues that is difficult to diagnose without seeing exactly what is happening.

Since the behaviour only happens when you are dismounting, I suspect the horse is feeling some level of discomfort at that time.  Make sure that when you are going to dismount he is bent around your left leg; that you do not kick him with your right leg as you swing it over his back; that you keep your upper body tall as you swing your right leg over; that you are not kicking or poking him with your left leg or toe as you come down to the ground; and that you are not pulling on the reins in any way as you dismount.

If you can provide more information about how you are dismounting and at what point the bucking starts, I may be able to give you a more complete answer to your question.