Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > 18year old mare, or 14 year old gelding

18year old mare, or 14 year old gelding

20 17:46:55

I am holding both a 18year old mare and a 14 year old gelding. If i were to get the 18 year old would she be able to keep up on a long trail ride? Or would she be to old to handle it?

Hi Heather, it depends on a few things.  If the 18 yr has been well cared for, in good shape, is feed well and has good foot care, it should not be a problem.  I have ridden horses in their late 20's.  So depending on how hard you ride, how conditioned your horse is, what type of trails (Hills, Mountains, or flat land will all contribute to how well the horse does.  18 is not that old for a horse that is cared for well.  

Hope this helps,
