Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > gelding being mean towards 2 fillies

gelding being mean towards 2 fillies

20 17:43:10

we got this 12 yr old gelding, and the woman told us her paint gelding use to fight with this geldinso when we got him we already had a filly, and he done fine with her so when we got thisother filly he is now being mean towards both of them biting them, and chasing them away at feed time, what can we do to stop him or at least show him its not right,

Hi Tina!

You really cannot stop this gelding form just being a horse.  I suggest you feed them separately and definitely this gelding by himself.  Feed time can get even the nicest horse all riled up and then someone suffers....usually the lowest horse does not get enough food.

You must think of a way to turn them out and have them live near each other but, not in the same field, pen or paddock.  The gelding will only get meaner and someone will get hurt, I guarantee it.  I am sure if you put your mind to it and look at your space, you can come up with a way to separate them and keep everyone happy and safe. :-)

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
