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help with breaking my horse

21 8:54:34

hi i was wondering if you could give me some step by step day to day activities on how to break in my horse?

Hi Jade!

Oh my!!  If I could do that over the computer and never have to step foot in a barn again....well, I would be happy and rich!

I cannot answer such a broad question.  I need more information to understand what it is exactly you want to do.  Do you mean to "break a baby to ride" or is it "green-broke" and needs some manners or are you taking a horse and trying to re-train it to another discipline?

I think I can safely say if you are asking such a basic question with no idea where to need waaaay more help than I or anyone could ever give you over the Internet.

Find a reputable professional trainer in your area that you like and have them out to evaluate you, your horse and your situation.

That is the safest and most responsible thing to do.  For you but, more importantly for your horse.  Badly trained horses, either through ignorance or abuse end up in awful places.  This includes slaughterhouses, because no one wants to take the time to fix what the bad training did to them.

Take the time and money now to give your horse the best possible start in his partnership with humans ~ you and he will be very happy for it!

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
