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trotting barefooted

20 17:22:33

hello sir, i would like to trot my horses without shoes for 1/2 hour. so that the blood circulation in their legs increases if i train my horses barefooted. whereas i will put on the shoes if i go for fast gallop. is my idea good??

Putting shoes on a horse is not like you putting shoes on and off. Some of the horses in training at Yazoo Equine Training have shoes and some don't. It depends on the horse and the health of the foot of the horse. Another factor is the work the horse will be doing and the terrain the horse will be working on. Removing shoes for 1/2 hour and then putting them back on is not advisable. Tacking shoes on and off a horse too much can destroy the hoof wall and cause many problems. I would follow the advice of your farrier concerning your foot care of your horse.