Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > my horse dont like goin in stalls

my horse dont like goin in stalls

20 17:42:49

I have had a horse for a year now and he does not like being in a stall. So since i have gotten him he has been in the pasture i can lead him into the barn to put his tack on but if i try to put him in a stall he flips out and starts kicking the door and the walls and he digs holes into the ground of the stall. and i am afraid that he will end up hurting his self or breaking the stall door. I really want to take him as a 4H horse but i cant because of his stall problem. How do I get him to like being in stalls?

Hi Angiee!

I would like to have more information before I recommend anything.  What is the horse's breed and age?  How long have you owned him?  Is he fine for everything else, except the stall?  Is he a pushy gelding, always dominant?  Is he all by himself or with other horses?  Has he ever lived in a stall?  I mean lived there, day and night, slept in there, fed in there and when left there, been calm about it?
