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about a horse i am trying to break

21 8:54:18

hi i got a eygptain  arabain gelding he is about 9 years old and i not sure if he as been broke and i want ot break him he in a 100 by 50 pen with my younger paint and i would like to know if i still can ride him he is like a big baby  i can get a saddle on but he buck my mom off last years please someone email me because i need someone to tell me what i can do  

Hi Alyssa!

Honey, you sound very young and the last thing I am going to do is encourage you to do something as difficult and complicated, not to mention dangerous, as breaking a horse to saddle.

You should not even attempt this as both you and the horse will only end up in trouble and in the hospital!

This is a discussion for your whole family to have and then, working together, hire a professional trainer to come out and see your Arab.  The trainer is the only person who can correctly break your horse.  And you really need a trainer who knows a lot about Arabs.  They can be tricky to deal with.

Have your Mom and you take formal riding lessons to prepare yourselves for riding your gelding in the future.

Show this to your parents and work together to give your gelding the best possible start in his riding partnership with humans.

The slaughterhouses are full of badly trained horses who were not given a fair start in life.  Give your guy a fair chance at this, OK?  It is the safest and smartest thing for all concerned!

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
