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Arabian Mare Behavior

20 17:46:24

Bot a 2 1/2 yr arabian filly,  now 5 1/2yr.  spent 9-12 month ground work, no problem riding,  bonded well,had to correct agressive nipping twice,  alone in big open pen 40 X 40,   also have 2 other arabian mares, one older ( alpha 24 yr)  & one very calm (14 yr old just bot) now the young one is getting aggressive, seems jealous,  kicking at the others, when in season is difficult  I have  tried to establish  more dominance and work her in round pen  to correct behavior but she now greets me with pinned ears.  I am a fairly passive loving person and I am wondering if I have spoiled her.  She is acting quite outrageous towards other horses when in season. I do make them all their buckets of goodies in fron of her pen ( I board and this is where I am allotted space, dont know if the food fixing is adding to the  agression kicking, sour personality  problem ?????

Hi Cami!

What you have described here is not a training issue but, a strong Boss Mare personality emerging in a young mare.

You cannot change a horse's behavior towards other horses.  How could a human possibly communicate to a horse how he/she is expected to act towards herd mates?

I believe that since they are in a corral constantly they are just doing what they are hardwired to do...form a chain of command.  This all revolves around personal space, food, water and breeding in a mare's head.  Who goes first and then who is next and so on.  The Boss Mare is always first but, she also decides the order of everyone after that too.

If you keep them in this living situation, nothing will change except as the horses see fit.  Leadership may vary but, there will always be a leader.

You are on the right track with solid training in the round pen, so keep that up.  Ideally, humans just ignore the herd politics and reward or punish only when humans are involved.

If things become truly unsafe for a horse from a herdmate, then changes must be made.

Preparing food in front of them does allow them to get all worked up because they know food is coming.  But, that is not the real problem here...I think.  The true issue is a small space with 3 mares in it.  Too many cooks in the kitchen applies here.

Ever shared a room with a sister?  LOL!

Good luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
