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Horse Behavior and habits

20 17:46:24

I'm only 13 but have been around horses enough to no the basics.I just got a new horse and he came from a dude ranch so he has some bad manners. I don't know why but he has problems with the bit he refuses to take it unless he holds his head up and you put your finger in his mouth. He also wont turn for me.And he has some problems when you try to turn too.I can get him to but i have to grab one rein and pull really hard. After this he likes to swing his tail to warn me he is going to kick. He likes to take off after this also. What can i do to stop him from this? some one pease help. Also i ride western if this helps.

Rick Gore:  Horse behavior is a reflection of the person.  It is never the horse's fault.

Hi Rachael,

This is a problem that was there long before you got this horse.  You have to learn to think like a horse.  Your horse does not like the bit since he gets hurt from the bit. If I hit you with a bat every time I saw you, would you like to see me coming with my bat.  No, you think I was going to hit you or hurt you.  You really need to have a relationship with this horse.  You can't do this unless you understand him.  

Go to my site and read and then write me back to tell me what you think the problem is or what you learned from the site.  You can only fix this with knowledge and only you can get that by reading and watching.

Look forward to hearing back from you.
