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My first horse

20 17:58:23

We just moved to Springfield Oregon and my parents bought me my first horse. I have limited experience and the girl I bought him from said he would get stubborn if he wasn't ridden. It took us a month to find a good used saddle I could afford and get a ferrier to shoe him.I started trying to ride him a few days ago. He lets me saddle him but as soon as I try to ride he trys to go backwards,throws his head back,wants to go back to the barn or the area he likes to graze and walk.He also stomps his foot. My dad got hime to ride around and across the pasture but not without alot of use with the reins.My dad got him to run but he bucked him off. How can I(a 16 year old girl)get him out of this?My dad says I should saddle him a couple times a day and ride him and walk him.

Thank you for your time
P.S. He is a 12 year old Gelding QH he is papered

Hi Mackenzie, Did you have lessons prior to getting him? Did you have a saddle fitter do a proper saddle and bit fit for you. And did the previous owner ride him for you prior to your purchase? If he is not working out for you, you should have 30 days to talk to the owner to get your money back. It sounds like you need lessons and a "bomb-proof" horse. Please wear a helmet when you ride.  Often times an ill fitted saddle or bit will cause a horse to act badly.  Also if you do not know how to properly use the reins, your seat and your legs, you could be sending him mixed signals. When a horse stomps, throws his head, backs up without is usually a signal to you that he is uncomfortable. It could be the tack or the riders. Ask around for an experienced horsewoman to help you or hire a trainer to come out and check his tack and your riding skills. Take a few lessons if you have not already. Please leave feedback, nominations, and follow-up with any questions you may have. As volunteers we really like to know that we are making a difference in the lives of our online friends and their canine companions. It is easy to see the results at our school, but more difficult online. If you were not so far away, I would come and do all of that for you, but I am in FL. Contact your local 4H or FFA and see if they know anyone who may be able to help. Also your local feed dealer and horse supply may know of someone. Keep me posted please.  And wear your helmet! I don't want you to get hurt. Thanks. Regards, Susan