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new horse with issuses

20 17:58:23

i ride at don-e-brook farms (CA). Our ranch just got this new horse from auction named KING. He is aged about 6 or 7 and is a gelding appendix (i think). They told us that he is a show jumper. We put him in a single stall next to other old calm horses. He seemed like any other perfect horse the fist couple days we had him, but then when someone rode him for the first time he reared strait up, almost fell over backwards and wouldn't stop bucking! they couldn't even canter him without him bucking!!! wE LATER FOUND OUT THAT HE HAD BEEN DRUGED AT THE AUCTION AND THAT WAS WHY HE WAS SO PERFECT!!!!!! Now they are thinking about auctioning him again and i am afraid that he will go to slaghter!! I dont want to let him go he's too gourgeous to be sold as meat!!!HELP ME!!!! WHAT CAN I DO TO TAME HIM!!!!!

Hi Jodie!

I understand your dilemma and that you want the best for King.  However, I cannot give training advice to non-owners of the horse in question.

Yes, it is common for horses to be drugged when shown for sale.  A sad and terrible practice and one that real horse people would never engage in.

King has most likely had a terrible time of it lately and has no love or trust for humans.  I cannot blame him.  The best we all can do is hope the next person who gets him understands him and gives him the correct help or training that he needs.
