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Training a jumpy colt

21 8:54:58

Yes i was wonder if you had any ideas on what i can do about a jumpy horse. I have been breaking in a colt. She is a 22mt. old fox trotter. She has a great temperment and has done wonderful on breaking. We have been ground breaking her since she was born, and i have been riding her for 2 mts now. she does great, but she is still jumpy. like i can't move my hands when i am on her, she gets scared when people come up or when someone moves or drops something. is there anything i can do to help her not be so scared to everything? I know she is still very young and she will grow out of alot of it, but we are wanting to put her in the 2 yr old class once she is of age, because she is doing so well, but i don't that i can't have a jumpy horse too. So u have some advice for me? People have told me to tie tin cans to her, but i am not too sure about that. If you could please help me i would greatly appericate it. you can email or call me at 573-683-7868.

Hi Jennifer!

I understand you want to enter her into the 2yr. old clss but, it sounds like she wouldn't like it very much and you probably wouldn't be in the ribbons!

She may just have a naturally skittish personality and you could make it worse by forcing her into situations that are very frightening to her, especially at this very, very young age.

She is acting out of fear and ignorance and you have to help her to understand the world.  Time + Exposure + Pressure = A Diamond from a lump of Coal!

Give her PLENTY of time, slowly introduce her to new things (don't overload, go slow, expose her to new sounds and sights (the tractor, a car, a dog around her hooves) and make her give to slight pressure to explore these things.  Taking your time to train her correctly now, will give you years of riding enjoyment.  Babies cannot be rushed to keep on the humans show schedule.

As for the cans, I say no.  I would do it to a much older, cranky mare who should know better.  But, not to a 22 month old baby.  Never.

Go at her pace and she will tell you everything you need to know.  Watch her and pay close attention to her imporvements so you may build onto them!

Good Luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
