Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > agression/protection


21 8:54:58

Hi, Is my 14 year old gelded Arabian whom I have owned for one year being protective off me when he starts biting, kicking the horses that surround him, when I walk into the pasture to get him? We have a very strong bond and I am the "boss horse" when it's just the two off us but he takes over when other horses are around. His behaviour towards the other horse is escalating to dangerous levels. Any thoughts on why he is doing this and what I can do to stop him.


Hi Janneke!

I have seen this before between horses and also, between horses and people.  Unfortunately, there is no real way to train a correction in a horse-on-horse issue.  How do you explain to your Arab that his deepest instincts are inappropriate to you?

You did not say where he was kept and who the other horses belong to.  I would have to say that someone else bringing him in from turnout could help or possibly turning him out alone.

You could also distract the other horses with grain near the fenceline far from the gate and while they are busy munching, call your gelding to the gate and stay completely out of the pasture if possible.  No point in putting yourself in with the big boys.

If you are boarding him, speak to the barn mananger and ask for their advice.  If you have them at home, be smarter than all of them and keep yourself and your guy out of harm's way through brains, not braun!

Good Luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
