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breaking my 14 year old Arabian horse

21 8:54:57

hey, I just got a 14 year old gelding Arabian and he is very spooky and nothing has been done with him except when he was two years old he was green broken, ireally want to ride him but want to know how much trouble it might be to have him be broken.

Hi Steven!

You will definately need help...lots of help!  A professional trainer who is knowledgable about breaking Arabs.  They are a breed apart and can be easily ruined by inappropriate training, either through ignorance or aggressive methods.

Even though he is an adult, he must be treated like an unbroke baby who knows nothing.  He will show you what he knows already and you can fast-forward through those parts and concentrate on the new stuff.

Ground work is crucial and also allowing him time to realize you are his person now and he can trust you.  I tell everyone it can take 18 months to forge a real working relationship with a horse.

Doing it correctly and not rushing it will give you the time to decide if he really can be turned into a riding horse. If the answer is "yes"....then you will have made an excellent start by not rushing him and laying the foundation for years of riding enjoyment!

Good Luck and remember to always wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet!
