Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > introducing 3 month old foal to herd

introducing 3 month old foal to herd

20 17:31:22

We have 3 month old foal with her mother who we have been grazing in a separate field to our 2 17 hand geldings (5 years old and very boisterous play) and 18 year old mare when should we put them out together.  (they all have shoes)

Hi Melanie,
                Each circumstances is different and depends on the mare's status in the herd and her herd mates. Before you do put them back in the herd, I would remove all shoes from the horses as enough damage can be done by an unshod horse, never mind ones that are shod. Ideally, a mare and foal should be turned out with another mare foal pair. In another type of herd, the foal will automatically be bottom of the pecking order and can get injured or killed. I would recommend that if the older mare gets along with the other mare, that you put her in with the mare foal pair for a period of a month. This will allow them to form a family unit that will protect the foal when you do let them out in the main herd.
