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Hose behavior

20 17:58:18

HI, I have had my horse Shadow (Appaloosa) for 2 years. The lady i bought her from said Shadow loves attention. When i go in the paddock she checks if i have food, i try to pat her and she runs off. I love giving attention but she doesn't seem to like it. She is also very scared, even when riding. She is scared of everything. When i am riding her and when she gets a fright she shys, turns around quick, and just lately she bucked. But when i try to tell her off i can tell she is just getting more scared, but i know she needs discipline. Me and my father thought it might be the sheep which lives in the paddock with her. The sheep is always scared, the horse and the sheep always follow each other around. We thought the horse may have copied off the sheep. Not sure though. I am really struggling, i love Shadow so much and i just want her to love me. Please help!!!

Hi Kirra, Have you had any professional lessons? How old is Shadow? What kind of training did she have prior to you purchasing her? Theses questions will help me give you much better advice. Also, has she foaled or is she a maiden mare? I have raised sheep with all kinds of horses and they always got along fine, the sheep would let the horses herd them around, but it was never, ever an issue. You may have to take Shadow back to the round pen basics, if you don't gave a round pen, than the old style ground manners on a lunge line. Telling her off will not encourage your partnership with her, she need to gain confidence and encouragement from you. Use natural horsemanship techniques if you can. If you have a trainer, a friend, a clinician...your area that could help you it would be all the better.  Where are you located, I may be able to find someone who can assist you? Read my web page at about our program and check out John and Josh Lyons, Mark Rahsid, Clinton Anderson and some of the other professional NH horse trainers. If you have RFDTV,  they have some good training classes on there that you can record and use later. There are also come good books that you can by used about NH. If you are an absolute beginner, Pat Parellis' techniques can help a bit but I disagree with some of them. But the will teach you the ABC's of NH for you and your horse. Remember that everything we teach on the ground is going to transfer into saddle, so spending much time on your groundwork will make a much better riding horse if done correctly. Walk her up to scary objects, and let her quietly investigate them. talk to her softly, encourage her, tell her she is a brave girl and that you will not let her get hurt. Give her lots of stokes and love. Before going onto a new item, start with something she does good and introduce the new item or area, then go back to the item she is doing well, so that you end on a good note always. I am sure Shadow loves you, she just needs you to be her herd leader, her Alpha or Boss mare in her herd. Leave me feedback, a nomination if you wish. And follow up to let me know how it is going or if you have any more questions. As volunteers, this is the only way we know that we are doing a good job for you. I take time out of my regular classes each evening to do this so that I can help as may people establish good relationship with their pets as possible, so I really do care and would love to hear back on how you are progressing with her as well as any additional questions that you may have. Thank you for writing to me. Warm Regards, Susan