Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Behavior > donkey


20 17:43:24

I bought a donkey for $150.00 from someone who didn't have room to keep him, but they did not know his background. I now realize this was more than likely a mistake, not knowing aything about  them. I think we should have him gelded,he has become aggressive with the goats and we had to seperate them He was shaking one over his head in his mouth. He  didnt kill or hurt her, but he has been after  them ever sinse. Now my goats are in a pen I have to re-fense  because  the wire is large enoug to get horns stuck in. Today I was working at getting a goat out of the fense( buy the way,Jack doesn't bother them when they are stuck in the fense) anyway, Jack came up to me as usual,then suddenly got very aggressive and actually hit me and almost knocked me over with the side of his head. Then he  was following me out of the pasture  with hishead down. I was afraid of him.Will gelding calm him down? I worry about when the cows are moved to the pasture .

Hi Millie,
            Jacks and Johns have been known to attack and kill goats nd other animals as big as horses. Usually once they start to kill or harm an animal then they will not stop even if gelded. The behavior is part instinct annd part play. At his  age,it would be next to impossible to break. I would have to highly recommends that you sell this donkey to someone who is experienced in aggressive behavior, since once they start the behavior it is very difficult to break it, even if he was gelded. There have been cases of Jacks killing humans. It is never good to be afraid of an animal as they will pick up on that fear.

Good luck :-).
