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mare trouble

20 17:45:13

hi, have just been reading the article on a horse not wanting to be groomed....i have a 4yr mare (v.darkbaycob)just so you can get the picture...she's recently had a static problem with her winter coat coming cant be tied or brushed doesnt like me touching her.. its been 10 days on now and have been brushing her slowly talking her through it, she,s not keen, shakes/tosses her head every time...but when i work my way closer to her mane neck and shoulders she moves off, lifts her head up high, tries to break free from the baletwine...act out swishing her tale turning on me ...cant seem to even very gently pat her..can stroke her but she's so weiry...please help me, as so many people try to give me advice...i think they think she's acting out...i'm also worried cos i have the farrier next week, and dont want her told off for not standing still, she's good at picking her feet up..but i'm worried bout them coming cos the way she is at the moment!!!!!!

Sharon -

I have to be honest with you, I have never heard of a horse acting so differently just because of static electricity.  I could see where it could cause a problem, but I have never heard of it before.

If this is just an issue now becuase of the static, give her a few days without brushing.  Or try different grooming tools.  I doubt it will affect her as far as the farrier goes.

If she has never done this type of thing before, and it is just because of the static, then it will pass as the weather changes.  If this is a behavior issue - then you will need to focus on that.  A behavior issue may require some lunging, some work on exposing her to other things, and possibly getting a local trainer to help.

I wish I could offer you more help, but again, I have never heard of this type of change in behavior coming solely from static electricity.

Michael Hockemeyer
Kicking Bear Mustangs